Eloping with the Truth

1.7 What does it mean to be happy? Mental Health, Capitalism, Individuality

August 17, 2020 Anna and Joyce Season 1 Episode 7

Are you happy? Among strangers and acquaintances, this may be an easy question to answer. "Sure, right now I am" or "actually today has been tough". But below the surface, we all know its a little more complicated than that. From the struggles of mental health and the differences between long and short term happiness to the individual and societal causes of it, Joyce and I take a deep dive into the topic.  


  • Capitalism is bad for your mental health; https://medium.com/reason-in-revolt/capitalism-is-dangerous-for-your-mental-health-b02fd8f56dfe
  • International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/39405

Intro: taken from Miwa Jaya, song: Baked Beans and Face Plates 